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Re: Lego train article in Garden Railways magazine
Fri, 31 Aug 2001 15:57:06 GMT
292 times
In lugnet.trains, Katie Dokken writes:
I apologize if this has been posted before but I just got my October 2001
issue of Garden Railways magazine (for G scale/Gauge 1 trains) in the mail
last night.  Right on the front page is a reference to an article called
"Miniature Gardening at Legoland."  The point of the article is more about
the miniature landscaping done at Legoland but there are quite a few really
nice pictures of Legoland, with the emphasis on the Legoland trains and some
details about the trains as well.  While it didn't say..... from the
pictures I'm assuming that the Legoland trains are built to one of the
various G scales (or are they O scale?)?  Can anybody give me more
information about this?  And what kind of trucks are used on the
engines/rolling stock?  And what kind of track is being used?  It looked
like it was handlaid vs. a major manufacturer such as Aristocraft or LGB.

The only thing I remember from my visit a few years ago to Billund was that
the width of the cars was 18 studs.

Steve Martin

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lego train article in Garden Railways magazine
(...) Sadly, the Legoland (at least California) train framework (track and trucks) is pretty lame. The track is strips of metal set vertcally in concrete (no ties, nowhere near the shape of real rail) and doesn't have working turnouts (points). The (...) (23 years ago, 31-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains)

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  Lego train article in Garden Railways magazine
I apologize if this has been posted before but I just got my October 2001 issue of Garden Railways magazine (for G scale/Gauge 1 trains) in the mail last night. Right on the front page is a reference to an article called "Miniature Gardening at (...) (23 years ago, 31-Aug-01, to lugnet.trains)

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