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Re: LEGO makes Bionicle film, Premiere 2003
Mon, 31 Dec 2001 23:36:31 GMT
1149 times
In lugnet.technic.bionicle, Mikkel Benedikt Breiler Mikkelsen writes:
I hope this is news to everyone. You see, I hate posting old news ;)

Note: The link is for a newsitem in danish, by Mediawatch!
The entire text is quoted below, along with a hasty english translation by yours
truly. This story has at least one source from Jyllands-Posten. I have not confirmed
this story at their site.


Lego filmatiserer Bionicle

DA: Lego er i fuld firspring på vej ind i tv- og filmmarkedet.
Legetøjskoncernen er bl.a. i færd med at producere en film,
bygget på Bionicle-serien.

EN: Lego is headed into the tv- and filmmarket. For instance the
toy company is producing a film built on the Bionicle series.

DA: Filmen kommer ifølge Jyllands-Posten på videomarkedet og får
premiere i 2003.

EN: According to Jyllands-Posten the film will be released on
video and will premiere in 2003.

DA: Lego har også købt licens- og markedsføringsrettigheder til
børne-tv-serien Galidor af det canadiske filmselskab
Ciné-Groupe. Filmen lanceres i USA og Canada til februar
og kommer senere til Europa.

EN: Lego also bought licence- and marketingrights to the children
tv-series Galidor from the the canadian filmcompany
Ciné-Groupe. The film will be launched in USA and Canada in
February and later on to Europe.

DA: Lego annoncerede for nyligt, at datterselskabet Lego Media
i London er ved at producere en tv-serie, Little Robots, for
små børn. Den skal i første omgang udsendes i USA og Australien,
og kan senere komme til Europa.

EN: Lego recently announced, that the daughtercompany Lego Media
in London is producing a tv-series, Little Robots, for
small children. To begin with it will be released in USA and
Australia, and may later get to Europe.


The Bionicle Movie isn't old news, but it seemed kinda... ovbious. I just
hope they have voices in the movie. I'd hate having to read the whole movie,
and be so busy reading end up sticking my hand in a soda.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO makes Bionicle film, Premiere 2003
(...) I hope they do NOT have voices! A lot of talking would just make it silly and childish. I hope the movie is more like the Toa mini-cds, with a narrator but no dialogue between the characters. I think the CD succeeds very well in creating the (...) (22 years ago, 31-Dec-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)

Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO makes Bionicle film, Premiere 2003
I hope this is news to everyone. You see, I hate posting old news ;) (URL) The link is for a newsitem in danish, by Mediawatch! The entire text is quoted below, along with a hasty english translation by yours truly. This story has at least one (...) (22 years ago, 31-Dec-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)  

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