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Re: Power Functions Steering with automatic center return
Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:21:00 GMT
13888 times
Ian Power wrote:
I have come up with a method of automatic center return for steering.

I have done some experimenting with the hockey slap shot springs before, but
have never had success. But this is incredibly simple, and works really well.

See instructions below (when moderated):

The trouble in the past has been that the motor either has had too much power
via internal gearing (and consequently locks the spring mechanism to the right
or left), or using too much room to try and externally gear it to the correct
power (which had it's own problems, too. It would never "return" fully, leaving
the car veering off a bit...)

The basic situation is this: The power functions motor has enough power to
rotate the spring to it's extremities, and the spring has enough power to drive
the axle back to center once there is no power applied to the motor.

Hope someone finds this useful.


This is Brilliant!

Small, compact. I really like this simplicity. Thank you.


Message is in Reply To:
  Power Functions Steering with automatic center return
I have come up with a method of automatic center return for steering. I have done some experimenting with the hockey slap shot springs before, but have never had success. But this is incredibly simple, and works really well. See instructions below (...) (16 years ago, 10-Mar-08, to lugnet.technic) !! 

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