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 Technic / 12169
12168  |  12170
Re: (no subject)
Fri, 27 Feb 2004 19:29:42 GMT
4306 times

Oh, I'm going to sheepishly chime in here - I 'set' the clock a couple of
during the weekend.  I was so completely amazed and fascinated with it I just
couldn't bear for it to not be accurate!!  But once it was set, it seemed
to be
accurate to within 1 or 2 minutes an hour.  Have you considered adding an RCX
for even better time accuracy?

that's why it was always the right time.  pdx was the first time i let it
just run for hours so i was not really sure of how accurate it would be.

Now, I hope you don't mind if I steal *ahem* "borrow" your lift design for a
project we've been kicking around (no soccer pun intended!)...  ;-)

borrow what you want.  i borrow ideas all the time.  i'm glad you liked it!


Bob Kojima

Fial Incorporated
Telecom Monitoring Solutions
4343 SW Corbett Ave
Portland, OR  97239

Message is in Reply To:
  (no subject)
i have just posted pics of my rolling ball clock on brickshelf: (URL) is an explanation: This clock is based on the Arrow Handicraft Deluxe Rolling Ball Clock that was popular in the 80's. To tell the time read the hour from the 3rd row of balls. (...) (20 years ago, 25-Feb-04, to lugnet.technic) !! 

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