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 Technic / 12164
12163  |  12165
Re: (no subject)
Thu, 26 Feb 2004 16:05:52 GMT
4602 times
In lugnet.technic, Bob Kojima wrote:
i have just posted pics of my rolling ball clock on brickshelf:

Wow!  Thgis is some king of hypnose, isn't it?  I mean, I can't keep my eyes of
the rolling balls!  I have about 100 soccer balls at home and I have some good
ideas to use them, but none as cool as this!  I want one too!

Very well crafted.  I like the color scheme too, even though in a MOC of that
kind, people don't usually look at the esthetics, but at the mecanism, you
really did a good job making it look fabulous!

It would be awesome if you could post instructions.  If you don't use CAD (like
me), you could smply take it apart one step at a time, take pictures of every
step and publish these pics in the inverse order.  I know I'd try to build it!

Something tells me that ribbed hoses and soccer balls will be more popular on BL
if you post instructions!


Message is in Reply To:
  (no subject)
i have just posted pics of my rolling ball clock on brickshelf: (URL) is an explanation: This clock is based on the Arrow Handicraft Deluxe Rolling Ball Clock that was popular in the 80's. To tell the time read the hour from the 3rd row of balls. (...) (20 years ago, 25-Feb-04, to lugnet.technic) !! 

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