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 Technic / 12162
12161  |  12163
Re: Rolling ball clock
Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:58:13 GMT
4359 times
Hey Bob!

That's a really neat clock!

Had never heard about it previously! Nice rendition in LEGO!

Looks simple enough, but I quess getting the balls to roll safely is a trick in

So what basically determines the speed/accuracy of the clock is the speed of the

Best regards,
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  (no subject)
i have just posted pics of my rolling ball clock on brickshelf: (URL) is an explanation: This clock is based on the Arrow Handicraft Deluxe Rolling Ball Clock that was popular in the 80's. To tell the time read the hour from the 3rd row of balls. (...) (20 years ago, 25-Feb-04, to lugnet.technic) !! 

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