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HOWTO: Building and installing brickOS tools on Mac OS X with USB IR tower
Sun, 8 Jan 2006 03:55:32 GMT
9369 times
Hi all,

I just finished compiling and installing a cross-compiler and brickOS to my RCX
from my PowerBook with Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.3 and a USB IR tower. Here's a blog
posting about my experience:

Note that I was able to install brickOS to my RCX (using lejosfirmdl), but I
haven't yet figured out any way of downloading .lx files to it, since "dll"
seems to not have Mac USB support. There is some room to improve brickOS a bit
to make it easier to use on a Mac and I'd volunteer a bit of time to work on it.

I hope that this doc is helpful to somebody out there.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: HOWTO: Building and installing brickOS tools on Mac OS X with USB IR tower
(...) Thank you! It will be. Intallation is one reason I've never moved into BrickOS (despite some people urging me to) on the Mac. (18 years ago, 8-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)

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