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lugnet.robotics.rcx– Alternative firmware or software for RCX™ programmable brick from LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ RIS: in-depth technical discussions, collaboration, planning, architecture, analysis, etc.

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  How to get RCX software and the IR tower to work on modern systems
And yes, it uses virtual devices. A friend sent me a link to this page- <https://www.bartnec...EU-FA9e10> The page gives a walkthru to set up a virtual device, install XP in that virtual device and then spool up the RCX software and the IR tower I (...) (2 years ago, 6-Mar-22, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
  Re: Communication with Swan firmware
I've used the RCX with standard LEGO firmware, though I'm not familiar with the Swan firmware. Having said that, this simply sounds like the old message is not getting cleared to make room for the new message. Have you tried calling the (...) (6 years ago, 18-Jun-18, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
  Communication with Swan firmware
Good morning We are using a total of 12 lego rcx sets to practice in an educational center. We are using the nqc language with these robots. We use 2 types of firmware: on the one hand the firm0328.lgo, sometimes the firm0332.lgo, ie RCX2, and also (...) (7 years ago, 1-May-17, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
  Re: Process Control with RCX
Using RCX bricks and RoboLab 2.94, in many ways is like being stranded on Mars and this is all there is, which is everything. There is plenty of time until the next spaceship arrives since contacting Earth depends on making this software and (...) (7 years ago, 7-Apr-17, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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