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 Robotics / 20483
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Re: Updated web page with old and new MOCs
lugnet.robotics, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.rcx, lugnet.technic, lugnet.publish
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 10:50:46 GMT
15006 times
Thanks John, I fixed it.


In lugnet.robotics, John Henry Kruer writes:
In lugnet.robotics, Kevin L. Clague writes:
Just a few errors: the synchropiller page link dosn't work, and the images
at the bottom of the original counting machine are wierd.

I fixed Synchropillar's link, but I had no prolems with IE and PneumADDic.

Hmm,under the PneumADDic the code reads, on the last thumb at the bottom
you forget to put the closing quotation marks.  At least for my screwy
browser, it displays everything after that as the image file name.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Updated web page with old and new MOCs
(...) Hmm,under the PneumADDic the code reads, on the last thumb at the bottom <IMG src="(URL) you forget to put the closing quotation marks. At least for my screwy browser, it displays everything after that as the image file name. -JHK (21 years ago, 29-Mar-03, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.rcx, lugnet.technic, lugnet.publish)

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