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 Robotics / 19711
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Re: hovercraft
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 07:20:09 GMT
1529 times
hi all again

mission 1.5 completed
it means i did big brother of my hovercraft
so this is some data
diameter of deck: 53 cm
skirt length: 6 cm
diameter of duct (tunnel): 15 cm
height of tunnel: 8 cm

i used lighter (thiner) film
lighter scotch
the tunnel is done with more carre
and the most important inforamtion
it uses 9V only (directly from technic control center) :)

i did some tests and:
the hovercraft has enough power to lift another technic motor (old ver 9V)
and nothing special is happening :)))
i put on the top steel stringer and knife :))) and everything was fine

and i tried to drop working hovercraft from about 20..25 cm height
and it didnt touch the ground!!!

so as mc said now it's time to biut some steering
now when hovercraft has "a big" capacity it is possible
and i know (i think) how to do it


Message is in Reply To:
hi all now i think it's time to present you my application of as pure as possible lego hovercraft (URL) got 5 movies in mov format but my site is too small so if someone has some room for my movies... all of them have 19.3M the only one tricky point (...) (21 years ago, 30-Nov-02, to lugnet.robotics)

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