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Re: The Whaling Brig 'Egregious'
Fri, 22 Dec 2006 17:07:16 GMT
12588 times
In lugnet.pirates, Richie Dulin wrote:

The Egregious is built on a four centre section hull, and includes the challenging construction combination of short ratlines and Vikings masts. I have gained a newfound appreciation of the possibilities of the short ratlines – I had previously written them off as next to useless for serious vessel construction… and even after I used them on the cutter Trésfroid and the hermaphrodite brig Ratsée, I doubted that they could be used successfully on a wide hulled vessel. They support the 2x2 columns that form the masts nicely, and secure the tops which provide a stable base for the Vikings masts.

I ended up thinking on the use of short ratlines, and here is the result the Black Pearl-lite!!


Message is in Reply To:
  The Whaling Brig 'Egregious'
Ahoy! The newest arrival in the waters around Port Brique is the whaling brig Egregious. Whalers have tended to operate further south, but Port Brique was a resupply stop for Captain Warning in his hunt for a peculiarly coloured great whale. (URL) (...) (17 years ago, 6-Dec-06, to lugnet.pirates,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) !! 

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