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Re: What pirate ship mast pieces are there?
Tue, 4 Jan 2000 07:39:43 GMT
1039 times
Jonathan Wilson wrote
I know only of the mast base used on the BSB and forbidden island, the mast
middle also used on those 2 sets and the mast top from BSB. Are there any
others and if so which sets use them?

Also I believe there are 2 sizes of rigging piece, if I am not  mistaken...

Arr matey etc etc etc etc.

There was a pretty lively discussion about masts etc going back to an
opening question from Steve Bliss on 8 October last

And aye, there be two rigging sizes.  Their both part of the RBR
( - short 'uns for'ad and tall
'uns aft.  Both come in brown, and the short 'uns also came in black in a
castle set or two, and the biggest adventurers set

Yo ho ho etc etc etc etc.

Still baldly going...
Check out Port Block at

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: What pirate ship mast pieces are there?
(...) towers set, if I am not mistaken. Can someone confirm the size? -- Jonathan Wilson (URL) (24 years ago, 4-Jan-00, to lugnet.pirates)

Message is in Reply To:
  What pirate ship mast pieces are there?
I know only of the mast base used on the BSB and forbidden island, the mast middle also used on those 2 sets and the mast top from BSB. Are there any others and if so which sets use them? Also I believe there are 2 sizes of rigging piece, if I am (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jan-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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