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 Pirates / 2045
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Re: Big pirate ship
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 17:42:52 GMT
1551 times
crunch-o-matic wrote:

Hi, I'm rather new to this AFOL. I came in on Feb 14 as a way to help me
quit smoking because my wife is pregnant (Lego costs about the same as
smoking and is just as addictive). I had been buying Lego out of my comic
book store for a few years and never did anything with them until now. I
have no idea why I like the Pirates so much but so what. This was my first
try (sort of) at a MOC:


All I can say is WOW! What a truly amazing ship. Your attention to
detail and all the little touches you added are GREAT! Like the
chain-guide rails on the step ladder down, and finding a way to attach
dingies(sp?) without looking stupid! VERY impressive ship. I look
forward to the harbor that will go with it!


Message is in Reply To:
  Big pirate ship
Hi, I'm rather new to this AFOL. I came in on Feb 14 as a way to help me quit smoking because my wife is pregnant (Lego costs about the same as smoking and is just as addictive). I had been buying Lego out of my comic book store for a few years and (...) (23 years ago, 2-May-01, to lugnet.pirates) ! 

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