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Re: Blue and Red Sailor/Soldier Questions
Thu, 24 May 2001 16:18:32 GMT
1568 times
In lugnet.pirates, Richard Marchetti writes:
Hey Y'all:

What is a good number of sailors or soldiers to have for a large ship, if it
were around 6 midsection elements long?

You probably have a ship that is too long relative to its width, but
ignoring that, it's a matter of taste.  Four per section (including bow and
stern sections) would give you about 32 figs and would be a good starting
point.  If you really build up the width, then more might be appropriate.

Also what exactly are the three ranks lego is trying to represent?

Admirals (or Captains), other officers, rank-and-file.  You don't have to
use them that way, of course.

And how many minis of each rank should one have on a ship or base?

Depends on the size of the ship, it also depends on whether you are counting
soldiers as regular sailors (I don't) or have non-uniformed "pirates" as
such.  I like 1 captain, 1 officer per ship section (minus one for the
captain), at least that many "soldiers" (marines), and twice the preceeding
total in non-uniformed sailors.  Or about 4 per section.  Officers should be
a lower proportion, but I'm giving a practical nod to the Lego proportions,
and lumping in some of the midshipmen and warrant officers.

Should both the red and blue sailors/soldiers wear shako ("tschako") hats,
or is it more sensible for one side to do so (thus representing a German or
Hungarian force perhaps) while the other side wears tricorn hats (in the
manner of late 1700s styled British Redcoats maybe)?

Go with whatever strikes your fancy.  I can switch over most of my
red-coated soldiers to "colonial" uniforms with white pith helmets, white
backpacks, and white epaulettes, for example.  This frees up equipment for
making "Prussians", Black Guard, Wolfpack Irregulars, whatever strikes my fancy.

For land battles, I use the tricorns for cavalry and shakos for infantry,
but having one side tricorns and the shakos works.


Message is in Reply To:
  Blue and Red Sailor/Soldier Questions
Hey Y'all: What is a good number of sailors or soldiers to have for a large ship, if it were around 6 midsection elements long? Also what exactly are the three ranks lego is trying to represent? And how many minis of each rank should one have on a (...) (23 years ago, 24-May-01, to lugnet.pirates)

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