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Re: Greetings
Fri, 20 Oct 2000 23:46:22 GMT
413 times
In lugnet.people, Keith Goldman writes:
Greetings to one and all.  I've been a closet fan of Lugnet for about a year,
and finally threw down some gold pieces to join the club.

Glad to have you aboard!

I just hope there is no hazing for a rookie.

Well, despite the recent flame war that you may have been reading, I hope
you'll find that we're all pretty nice around here (despite the occasional
problems) :)

Although it is no match for most of the web sites
I've seen thus far, I submit my crude first attempt for your approval.

Being ignorant of web site construction, I used the idiot proof template
provided by AOL.  The photos are a combination of my own work and that of two
friends who have yet to pony-up the registration fee to Lugnet.  Please send
me feedback, and lay the smack down on a rookie.

I think the only issue I may want to point out with your site is that it looks
like you're using bitmap format images on your pages-- these aren't typically
good for the internet since they're usually large, and they aren't supported
by all browsers. You'll find that you'll probably want to use JPEG or GIF
format for images, if for no other reason than they're the most common :)

Once again, I'm glad to be among the true believers.

I look forward to seeing more from you!

See ya round, Kieth :)


Message is in Reply To:
Greetings to one and all. I've been a closet fan of Lugnet for about a year, and finally threw down some gold pieces to join the club. I just hope there is no hazing for a rookie. Although it is no match for most of the web sites I've seen thus far, (...) (24 years ago, 20-Oct-00, to lugnet.people)

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