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Re: Marc's misplaced concern
Sat, 17 Jun 2006 14:50:22 GMT
4217 times
In, Timothy Gould wrote:
   I have no agenda and no concerns, I just found it amusing (hence You have to admit, it’s funny that you have this policy that (as far as I know) only applies to one person on the planet - but no one will admit it.

Marc Nelson Jr.

Perhaps I’m a bit stupid but I’m not sure what was particularly funny about your post. Was it intended to make fun of Eric? The mecha hub policy? Something else? If the former then it would appear to me that you are bullying Eric. If the second then I think it would be fair to say you have an agenda. If the third then I really can’t understand.

To respond to your second sentence: maybe people won’t admit to the policy being an anti-Eric policy because they feel that would be antagonistic. It has been made pretty clear before by some Lugnet members (not me) that they don’t want antagonism on the site so perhaps people are respecting those members space. They may also have some consideration for Eric’s feelings. Note that as nothing more than a member and participant of the mecha hub I can’t say this is fact or otherwise, just postulation.

Of course you may simply have cunnningly unravelled a grand conspiracy of epic scale. Maybe you should turn your superior deductive skills to uncovering who killed JFK. I’m sure you’d have an answer in no time at all.


r dr r!

Marc Nelson Jr.

Marc’s Creations

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Marc's misplaced concern
--snip-- (...) Perhaps I'm a bit stupid but I'm not sure what was particularly funny about your post. Was it intended to make fun of Eric? The mecha hub policy? Something else? If the former then it would appear to me that you are bullying Eric. If (...) (18 years ago, 17-Jun-06, to, FTX)

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