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 Building / Mecha / 14523
14522  |  14524
Re: MechaHub - Global Lego Mecha Database - Site now Live!
Thu, 15 Jun 2006 13:42:56 GMT
3148 times
Hey guys,

Congratulations on the site launch. I’ve just done some brief looking around and it looks really well made. You might even inspire me to try my hand at some mecha building. :) The forum style seems really odd to me, being more used to the Lugnet forum and the phpbb-style forums used at Classic-Castle, Classic Space, FBTB and Eurobricks, but I suppose that is just something to get used to.

Good luck on further growth in the mecha theme. Also good luck in suffering the slings and arrows of those who will claim you are gutting Lugnet. When they complain, point out that while theme specific sites have, admittedly, drained 98% of the traffic from lugnet.castle, lugnet.starwars,, etc, they’ve actually led to much greater overall posting in those themes and fostered new builders. I’m sure that MechaHub will have a similar effect in bringing forth new mecha builders and improving techniques.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MechaHub - Global Lego Mecha Database - Site now Live!
(...) Thank you Bruce! We would love to see what you come up with if you ever try mecha. I agree that the 4chan style board is odd to us who are used to phpbb boards. It does take a little bit to get comfortable. But once you try it you'll never go (...) (18 years ago, 15-Jun-06, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  MechaHub - Global Lego Mecha Database - Site now Live!
In the last 6 years the Lego Mecha genre has produced thousands of models. Until now Lego Mecha models were spread across the web... alone... scared... (but well armed)... and... homeless... Until now. It is my pleasure to announce a new website (...) (18 years ago, 14-Jun-06, to,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general, FTX) !! 

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