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Re: Which group does this belong in?
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 05:12:32 GMT
557 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote in message <>...
Arguably (not that I like to argue or anything... :-) ) it doesn't
belong there either. Overall TOS say that trade related stuff is not
welcome in any group that doesn't explicitly allow it.

Actually, the TOS only covers auctions:

11. Post auction announcements, updates, or listings in discussion
   groups which do not explicitly welcome their presence.

I think Todd himself has mentioned that it's ok to post buy/sell/trade type
stuff in the theme groups.

So it seems that the only thing we would need would be someplace to conduct
auctions. My personal feeling is that the charter of this group should be
extended to specifically allow market posts (including auctions, but perhaps
requiring clone auctions to keep updates to e-mail). If enough market action
starts to happen here, we can always add a market group, but I doubt we'll
see enough to bother anyone. If one looks at the old articles in this group,
there was at least one auction conducted here, and there have been several
auction announcements, enough that it seems to me that Todd is allowing
auctions to happen here as long as the volume is low.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Which group does this belong in?
(...) Fortunately, I don't think clone auctions would attract too large a crowd around here! Maybe 6 or seven participants, and I have the feeling that you can outbid me, Frank! Dave! (24 years ago, 3-Feb-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Which group does this belong in?
Arguably (not that I like to argue or anything... :-) ) it doesn't belong there either. Overall TOS say that trade related stuff is not welcome in any group that doesn't explicitly allow it. So we may need an group or (...) (24 years ago, 2-Feb-00, to

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