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Re: Mega Bloks Overview and review of Legends Viking Ship and Creature Seakers Naval Command
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 02:57:21 GMT
1402 times
Nice review.

It is interesting that these are 2 of only 3 MB sets I have.

<heresy about to be spoken on Lugnet>

Maybe TLG could learn from MB about what kinds of sets they could make
more of.

:LEGENDS VIKING SHIP (SET 9604 - 370 pcs)
The figure accessories are great with this set. Nice broad swords, and
armor that I use as flack jackets.
The pieces which are supposed to be large windows on the
:cabin were made of an opaque blue - yucko!

Richard Schamus once posted somewhere that MB will send you
transparent replacements if you ask them.

I haven't opened this set yet. Waiting for a good time.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Mega Bloks Overview and review of Legends Viking Ship and Creature Seakers Naval Command
Janet Zorn wrote in message ... (...) What's the 3rd set? Not that I plan to buy anymore Mega Blocks. I think I am mostly a Lego purist and other than the weak moment at picking up the MB bucket, the two sets I got I got because they had major (...) (25 years ago, 22-Mar-99, to
  Re: Mega Bloks Overview and review of Legends Viking Ship and Creature Seakers Naval Command
Yes they will, you just have to bug them a bit. I believe, or you can call them, 1-800-465-MEGA If you have anything wrong with their sets, (other than you think they stink, that is,) that's broken or missing, let them know and (...) (25 years ago, 11-Jun-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Mega Bloks Overview and review of Legends Viking Ship and Creature Seakers Naval Command
Just as I started to come out of my Lego Dark Ages, I picked up a few Mega Bloks sets (partially out of cheapness, partially out of interest in the models). I thought I'd contribute my opinions on Mega Bloks... I also got a few Mega Bloks mixed into (...) (25 years ago, 18-Mar-99, to

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