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Re: Black Seas Barracuda sets sail again!
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 05:42:20 GMT
994 times
In, Jake McKee writes:
More good news!

As you probably know, we asked the LEGO fans to vote on what LEGO Legend
they wanted to see come back the most. The winner was the Black Seas
Barracuda pirate ship. As of today, you can pre-order this set through Shop
At Home!

Additionally, we also had such a positive response for the 2nd place winner,
that we decided to release that one as well. (And because of several things,
the 2nd place winner made it through manufacturing faster!)

Have a great week!


Thank You for listening to the Lego fans!  This is going to be a banner year
for sets!  I'm totally excited about the new releases.  And even though I
already own a couple of BSBs, I may have to buy another one or two just for
the shear joy!  Thanks Lego!
Jake McKee
Senior Producer
LEGO Direct

Message is in Reply To:
  Black Seas Barracuda sets sail again!
More good news! As you probably know, we asked the LEGO fans to vote on what LEGO Legend they wanted to see come back the most. The winner was the Black Seas Barracuda pirate ship. As of today, you can pre-order this set through Shop At Home! (URL) (...) (22 years ago, 9-Oct-02, to, lugnet.pirates, ! 

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