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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 17386
    FYI - old grey —C. L. GunningCook
   Forgive me if this is general knowledge... I dont follow this group often... but I did find this interesting. While filling pickabrick cups at the Disney Lego Store, I was surprised to see that the one by two grey bricks were old grey. Shades of (...) (17 years ago, 22-Mar-07, to
        Re: FYI - old grey —Michael Huffman
   (...) When were you in Florida??? You should had e-mailed us at GFLUG/GFLTC, we would have taken you out for drinks & LEGO. :) That's right... I moved from Ohio down to Florida. Where it's much sunnier. --Mike. (17 years ago, 22-Mar-07, to
        Re: FYI - old grey —C. L. GunningCook
   (...) LOL, I am in Florida right now, Im posting from my hotel in Kissimmee this second... giggle. Janey Red Brick (17 years ago, 22-Mar-07, to
        Re: FYI - old grey —Michael Huffman
   (...) Very cool. I sent you an e-mail. If you've got time this vacation, look us up. If not, we understand. Enjoy this nice weather & your trip. And don't take too much of the old gray with you back to Canada... I haven't had a chance to stock up on (...) (17 years ago, 22-Mar-07, to
        Re: FYI - old grey —C. L. GunningCook
   (...) Thanks Mike, I will reply shortly to your email... and I didnt buy any old, but a few cups of new... so its all yours for the taking... smile. Janey "Red Brick" (17 years ago, 23-Mar-07, to
        Re: FYI - old grey —C. L. GunningCook
   (...) I wanted to say thank you to Michael, Erica and Robin for their southern hospitality, very kind of you. Excellent meal, excellent shopping and even better company. Thanks, Janey "Oops I bought more Lego, Red Brick" P.S. Did I return that (...) (17 years ago, 25-Mar-07, to
        Re: FYI - old grey —Michael Huffman
   (...) Thank you for taking time out of your vacation to meet with us. I know it was short notice, but Erika & I had a lot of fun. Erika was saying to me that it was good to meet up with you outside of Brickfest; it gave us quality time and a chance (...) (17 years ago, 25-Mar-07, to

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