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A L O H A !

Welcome to the local corner of LUGNET for Hawaii AFOLs... sponsored by LEAHI (LEGO Enthusiasts Association of Hawaii).

For information on how to join Hawaii’s original and best LEGO fan club, please visit our website: (LEGO Enthusiasts Association of Hawaii)

Hawai’i no ka oi:

   Patrick Yrizarry’s Hawaiian Flag sculpture

   Nathan Sawaya’s Hawaiian Flag mosaic

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  Re: LEGO® Brand Retail - Honolulu, HI
(...) Ditto that. You should join our LUG sometime. :) "Big Daddy" Nelson (15 years ago, 10-Jun-09, to, FTX)
  Re: LEGO® Brand Retail - Honolulu, HI
(...) LEAHI members are looking forward to the flood of AFOLs adding Hawaii as a vacation destination now! Roy (15 years ago, 10-Jun-09, to
  Re: LEGO® Brand Retail - Honolulu, HI
(...) Very cool! Congratulations HI...glad to hear you finally got a store on the island. :-) Now I have another great reason to visit one of my favorite places on Earth. -Dave ToT-LUG (15 years ago, 9-Jun-09, to, lugnet.mediawatch,
  Re: LEGO® Brand Retail - Honolulu, HI
(...) Wow, this is awesome. I finally get to live <30 min (my closest previous time being 3 hrs) from a LEGO store?!?!? My day just got that much better. -Orion (15 years ago, 9-Jun-09, to, lugnet.mediawatch,, FTX)

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