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 Local / Norge / *265 (-5)
  Little Norwegian Shunter NSB 2 842
Hi all, It's been a while since I've made a new train here (and even longer since I posted one based on a prototype) and I was feeling a bit of withdrawal so I went hunting for something fun to design. My search stopped at (URL) this> cute little (...) (18 years ago, 20-Apr-06, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX)  
  Re: Need building tips for a church
In lugnet.general, Øyvind Steinnes wrote: --SNIP-- (...) Hi Øyvind, This final versions looks excellent. I like the balance of selective compression (eg. you have reduced the number of segments from 11 to 9) and scale modelling in it. The final (...) (18 years ago, 28-Dec-05, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: Need building tips for a church
My fourth and last attempt on this strange building is now finished and the pictures can be found here: (URL) moderation, that is) "Tim Gould" <t.gould(AT@)lancast...c(DOT.)uk> skrev i melding (...) sacrifice on (...) (...) (18 years ago, 27-Dec-05, to lugnet.general,,  
  Re: Norsk klubb og forum
(...) Aktiviteten har overgått all forventning. Vi har også registert (URL) får vi se hvordan det hele utvikler seg videre. Thomas (18 years ago, 14-Dec-05, to
  Mange tilbud på Extra Leker
Hei å hå! Tenkte bare jeg skulle si at det er nå kommet mange tilbud på LEGO sett på Extra Leker, iallefall her i Tromsø. Nå forsvinner LEGO settene unna som varmt hvetebrød... I går var jeg å sjekket hva de hadde inne, i dag var jeg å skulle kjøpe (...) (18 years ago, 18-Nov-05, to,

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