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  Irish LUG (again!)
Hello all, After being contacted by several people I'm once again sending around a note about forming an Irish Lego Users Group. I was too over run with work to pursue this as I should have last year, but am hoping now to give it a good run now. (...) (16 years ago, 21-Jun-08, to
  Irish LUG (hopefully)
Hey all, just sent these out to a few people and thought I'd post here just in case... I'm crossposting to .UK/.NI in case anyone reads there more frequently. We're trying to be island wide (I'm from Portadown so the North is represented)... The (...) (17 years ago, 14-Jul-07, to,,, FTX)
  Enough interest for an Irish Lug?
Hey all, Been back home for a while now and have noticed more and more fellow Irish fans of lego appearing online. Thought it might be time to ask around and see if anyone would be interested in starting an Irish lego users group. Due to the limited (...) (17 years ago, 24-May-07, to, FTX)
  The Entrance To The Caves
A MOCtale* part 1: (URL) Every legend begins with a little greed... This one begins with a lot... Tis a tale of two brothers; one wise and the other foolish... Foolish enough to believe a traveler's tale of a vast treasure horde... Nine chests, of (...) (17 years ago, 10-Dec-06, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.pirates, FTX) !! 
  James May's Top Toys
Tonight on BBC2 at 8pm, my girlfriend (Yvonne Doyle) and I will be on James May's Top Toys, talking about our mutual love for the brick. Hope you enjoy it! Pete (18 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to,, lugnet.mediawatch)  

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