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LEGO(r) Vending Machine
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,,,
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 12:09:41 GMT
1747 times
Hi to various groups.

While I was in Brisbane, visiting Mark Harrison and friends, I heard rumors
that the Brisbane airport had a Lego(r)vending machine. I can't recall if one
has been reported before or not. If so, sorry, but if not, here is some more
info on it, we got a chance to see it while waiting for my return flight to

I've posted some pics on brickshelf in this location.

Key to pics

1. Mark Harrison and the machine. I regret greatly that this one is blurry. I
was excited, what can I say. I have some clearer pics of him and the other
Brisbaners (??) I will post later
2. The selection of sets. You put money in and press the keypad to choose the
number you want. The machine takes up to AUD 20 but you can only give it one
bill per buy. (this pic is rotated 90 degrees, up is to the left)
3. The bins. Note that each bin has a number and the numbers go higher than
the selections. Several bins have the same set.
4. The arm of the beast. Note the air hoses. (this pic is rotated 90 degrees,
up is to the left)

So I decided to feed it a 20. The prices were a bit high. Our theory is that a
parent with a screaming child is willing to pay a bit more to calm them than a
hardened clearance sale veteran AFOL..

I keyed in choice 14. The arm launched and I started taking pics as fast as I
could. I got some of, but not all, the action.

5. The arm traveled over to where my set was.
6. It then dropped down and sucked onto my box, and picked it back up, holding
it only with suction.
7. The arm moved over the output chute and let go. Box falls, change clinks
in. This pic is the arm returning to rest position.

I got my change all in coins. Which I promptly spent on buying myself and
Harro a frosty adult beverage each at the airport bar. :-)

If you want to see the pics... You will want to have a fast connection, these
are raw pics without any cropping or resizing, from my new Coolpix 800. So
they're big. Sorry. Maybe I'll trim them when I get home.

They had a Hot Wheels(r) vending machine too but I didn't bother to even go
look at it.

Followups set to market.theory because I am interested in whether this is a
viable sales tool or just a novelty, but if you want to talk about something
else, give it a go and set followups there...

++Lar (in Sydney, which is visibily swelling at the seams with the influx of
Olympic visitors and participants, I saw the president of Morrocco (well,
probably the president of the MOC, but that's what his badge said)

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