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 Instructions / *777 (-10)
  Re: Starfighter instructions
(...) Thanks! Just to be clear, the first image is an actual photo (although I did post some other images and test renderings of the LDraw version on Flickr). (...) Yep. My standard procedure is to build a model with real bricks, then to rebuild it (...) (14 years ago, 3-Aug-10, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, FTX)
  Re: Starfighter instructions
(...) You may have borked the link, but your render is simply stunning. Well done, and thanks for posting! Did you use Bricksmith to create it? JOHN (14 years ago, 3-Aug-10, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, FTX)
  Re: Starfighter instructions
(...) Ah, Lugnet. Looks like I borked the image links. Let's try that again. Here's the model, including links to the instruction images: (URL) And here's the first page of the instructions themselves: (URL) (14 years ago, 3-Aug-10, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, FTX)  
  Starfighter instructions
Thought some of you might appreciate the instructions I posted for a simple little starfighter model I built from two sets, the new Space Police "Raid VPR" and the Star Wars "Separatist's Shuttle". Here's the model, including links to the (...) (14 years ago, 3-Aug-10, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, FTX)
  MoonBase Corridor System
Hello, it's been quite a while since my last post. I've been busy... (URL) Find details (URL) here>. More pics are already on (URL). PLMKWYT (URL) Marco> (15 years ago, 3-Apr-09, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, FTX) ! 
  Asked for help with Idea Book
Hi there, I've purchased an Idea Book, but am pretty sure the front and back is missing, becuase I cant'find any number or year of publication on it. These are first and last pages: (URL) can help me out and tell me from which Idea Book these pages (...) (15 years ago, 22-Mar-09, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Printing LPub instructions with
(...) Yes, the binding is stapled. Lulu offers a few differing binding options (stapled, plastic coil, paperback-like "perfect" binding, etc.), but stapled is the only option available for a minimal number of pages (22, in this case). I was worried (...) (15 years ago, 13-Mar-09, to lugnet.cad,, lugnet.inst, lugnet.publish, FTX)
  Re: Printing LPub instructions with
(...) Very cool--I love it! To be honest, it would never have occurred to me to use Lulu; I got as far as "I should try Kinkos," and that's where I sort of stalled. I have to say that the end results look amazingly professional and high-quality. (...) (15 years ago, 13-Mar-09, to lugnet.cad,, lugnet.inst, lugnet.publish, FTX)
  Printing LPub instructions with
Hi! I recently used (URL)> to publish (URL) LPub> instructions for a (URL) model> I created a few months ago. I have determined that I need to use higher resolution rendering settings and possibly avoid gradient backgrounds for optimal (...) (15 years ago, 13-Mar-09, to lugnet.cad,, lugnet.inst, lugnet.publish, FTX)
  Full buildinginstructions for birds by MisaQa
Hi all, A few years ago I found some cute models of birds by MisaQa on Brickshelf. If kind of "fell in love" with them and started creating LDraw files for some of them. I am now creating full building instructions and will be putting them on my (...) (15 years ago, 12-Mar-09, to lugnet.inst)

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