Unofficial LEGO/Sets Parts Collectors Guide
Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:36:16 GMT
29031 times
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Wow... this place is quiet...
Just to make an announcement.... for those of you who purchased my 2800 page
Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts DVD or online Computer Desktop download (from the
I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I am in the process of
updating it to the present year (well 2016+). There have not been any updates
sent out since my 2012 initial 2800 page/73 Chapter version. However that will
change. By the end of 2017 the updates will be done... and anyone who had
purchased the DVD (not the smaller CD from 2008)... or the download... when the
updates are done (bringing the total pages to well over 4000), you will be
getting those updates (as a complete download guide) for free. :-)
The bad news is that shortly my guide will be a CLOSED edition for new buyers.
And the reason is because I am working on a massive encyclopedic version of my
guide in book form for a major Asian country, which I am not at liberty to
discuss (yet), except to say it won't be in English unfortunately... and I had
to buy a block of 10 ISBN numbers to get enough titles (not using them all yet)
for a book form of my vast updated guide. Perhaps it will be translated to
English or other languages later, but it will start out in an Asian language.
If you want an immediate online copy of my guide with free future updates you
have to go to Lugnet Marketplace....
Once the edition is closed, I can only provide upgrades to current owners.
Thanks for all of those who have purchased in the past. I went thru some rough
patches (not completely out of the woods yet, but things are looking brighter...
both health and financially)... and researching LEGO has kept my sanity.
Cheers and thank you!
Gary Istok
P.S. Many rare items that won't be found elsewhere are going to be in my online
(and book form) LEGO encyclopedic guide....
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