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Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide continued....
Sun, 12 Feb 2017 09:02:08 GMT
27126 times
My guide will be a closed edition shortly, because of a future Asian multivolume
book form of my soon to be expanded guide (1949-2017).... which may or may not
get translated to other languages in the future.

There will be over 4000 pages, many of sets that are unknown even to the Billund
Collections and Vault (I can guarantee at least 100 sets they don't have in the
vault will be in my guide)....

Here's where you can still order....

And the guide with free expansion at the end of this year.... will still be only
$29.95... which is approximately 1/6 the price of the multivolume books if they
come out in English.

Thanks for all who have purchased them in the past.

Gary Istok

P.S. Questions?... go to the order webpage and ask there.

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