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 General / 53914
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Re: Please bring BS back - at least in a locked version!!
Tue, 17 Jul 2007 05:29:48 GMT
5384 times
Second, as I sit here and look over my list of brickshelf links of good ideas
and then think about the thousands of brickshelf images that are linked from the
lugnet archive, if anything can be done to preserve brickshelf (without further
postings if necessary), I would strongly support/encourage it.

I would be happy if it were possible to buy the entire BS content database on a
set of DVD's or something.  Does anyone know how much space the entire BS
archive is?  How many 4.7GB DVDs would it take up?

At the very least it would be nice if Kevin could donate the drives that contain
all the BS content to the online community (lugnet, peeron, etc) so that it may
be possible for someone to resruect the site in an archive-only format.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Please bring BS back - at least in a locked version!!
(...) First, Kevin, you've cost me thousands of dollars. If it weren't for Brickshelf I'd probably be off doing some boring hobby. Brickshelf was one of the hooks that drew me in and I'm very glad to be here. For this, I thank you. Second, as I sit (...) (17 years ago, 17-Jul-07, to lugnet.general)

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