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 General / 53912
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Re: Please bring BS back - at least in a locked version!!
Tue, 17 Jul 2007 04:20:43 GMT
6243 times
In lugnet.general, Niels Bugge wrote:
However from a community-perspective, it's a cornerstone of our HISTORY, as
many has said, it's not our own pictures, but those of others that we've
bookmarked or linked to - that isn't avaliable elsewhere, and may never
be...¬ There must be a gazillion posts and links all over the internet that
is totally worthless right now - and the idea that it should be possible to
reupload/fix even a fraction of these pictures and links one at a time is
simply ridiculusly unrealistic.

[So Kevin, if you're reading this:]

There's plenty of other possibilities for hosting pictures, and I can
understand if you have reasons for wanting to get rid of it, but wouldn't it
be possible to lock it for further uploads and/or turn it over to somebody

If it was locked for further uploads and if we could be "sure" that it stayed
up, I imagine that the traffic would gradually drop as people begin to upload
and link to pictures elsewhere - until only the {vital} traffic caused by
bookmark-browsing for inspiration was left, together with the occasional hits
from somebody reading up on old posts.

First, Kevin, you've cost me thousands of dollars. If it weren't for Brickshelf
I'd probably be off doing some boring hobby. Brickshelf was one of the hooks
that drew me in and I'm very glad to be here. For this, I thank you.

Second, as I sit here and look over my list of brickshelf links of good ideas
and then think about the thousands of brickshelf images that are linked from the
lugnet archive, if anything can be done to preserve brickshelf (without further
postings if necessary), I would strongly support/encourage it. Even better would
be publicly viewable, but paid member only posting on brickshelf from here on
out (presumably with Kevin as emeritus administrator, or retaining ownership and
licensing out the site to some sucker or group of suckers foolish enough to take
on the administrative and financial responsibilities).

Third, maybe the days of a custom built photo sharing site have been superseded
by the massive photo sharing sites, but brickshelf has two things that no other
site could ever have. Whatever it is you see on brickshelf, you know it will be
lego related. And brickshelf has been a focal point for the AFOL community, the
site where the majority of AFOL pictures have been posted.

Sure, we can twiddle with the markers on flickr, but that will just increase the
learning curve for a newbe and instead of being front and center, the AFOL will
fade in to the background of flickr. I assume we will also run into problems
posting .ldr, .lxf, .pdf, movies, etc to flickr. Losing the one one stop shop we
have with brickshelf.

So thank you Kevin for providing brickshelf, hopefully it will live on in some
form. And thank you Niels for eloquently expressing your ideas.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Please bring BS back - at least in a locked version!!
(...) I would be happy if it were possible to buy the entire BS content database on a set of DVD's or something. Does anyone know how much space the entire BS archive is? How many 4.7GB DVDs would it take up? At the very least it would be nice if (...) (17 years ago, 17-Jul-07, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Please bring BS back - at least in a locked version!!
(...) Amen, brother. And I'm willing to put my $$$ where my mouth is, and I have emailed Kevin as much. I thought that it was great that Kevin finally started taking donations, but he ceased it. It is certainly worth $2.00 a month to me to support (...) (17 years ago, 17-Jul-07, to lugnet.general, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Please bring BS back - at least in a locked version!!
Thanks a lot for dragging Kevin out of the flames Troy, I couldn't agree more. Now, I don't know what has happened, but we know that BS was a problem for Kevin, and he may have good reasons for not wanting to continue it. However from a (...) (17 years ago, 15-Jul-07, to lugnet.general, FTX) !! 

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