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Re: dead?
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:05:24 GMT
2733 times
In lugnet.general, Christian Treczoks wrote:
Hi, all,

after some time I took another stroll to, and noticed that
they still seem to have mayor difficulities over there.

The Forums died on 5th of May, reappeared for a few hours and eight
posts on 25th/26th of June, and are dead since then.

The maintainers did not even disable the dead "forums" link tab, nor did
they put up a notice that the system has problems, or when it will be
back up again.

I remember having read something about a server move, or problems with
passwords, or something, but it does not really look as if this will be
taken care of.

So there's my question to all in the know about (e.g. Steve
Witt, who should be...): Is dead?

Yours, Christian Treczoks

You are absolutely correct that we have had dead forums since May. We are dead
in the water at the moment, but are working frantically to get the new server
online. The problem is that we were being (very generously) hosted on a computer
that was/is being run on a corporate DMZ setup and because of that, only the
employee had access to the box. That individual has had some family emergency
that has kept him completely offline, so we have had to rebuild the server
totally from scratch (site software and all).

We have added a few new people to the effort and will have multiple admin access
as well as copious backups when we do come back online. It might still be a few
weeks, but we are coming back, and better than ever. More to come.

Thanks again everyone for your patience.
Geoff Gray

Message is in Reply To: dead?
Hi, all, after some time I took another stroll to, and noticed that they still seem to have mayor difficulities over there. The Forums died on 5th of May, reappeared for a few hours and eight posts on 25th/26th of June, and are dead (...) (18 years ago, 11-Jul-06, to lugnet.general)  

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