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Re: Brickshelf going away???
Fri, 27 May 2005 21:04:00 GMT
5157 times
In lugnet.general, Steven Asbury wrote:
The instruction and catalog scans have been removed. Kevin posted the following
message ...

"Due to the loss of our major sponsor, Instruction and Catalog scans are no
longer available at We are working to find them a new home. When
we do, we will post a link here. We apologize for any inconvenience."

I also see there is a message asking users to transfer their files to

Kevin (or anyone), can you give us some more information? Is Brickshelf going
away immediately? If so, what timetable do we have before our galleries


What's the traffic for the instructions?  I mean I've been running a little
website for years and if you need hosting space, I'll get a somewhat large HD
installed.  I can't guarantee 100 percent uptime, but for the past 10 years, my
little site's only been down for max 4 hours.

So there's the offer.

Dave K

Message is in Reply To:
  Brickshelf going away???
The instruction and catalog scans have been removed. Kevin posted the following message ... "Due to the loss of our major sponsor, Instruction and Catalog scans are no longer available at We are working to find them a new home. When (...) (19 years ago, 27-May-05, to lugnet.general) !! 

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