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Why are slope bricks textured?
Mon, 14 Mar 2005 05:03:11 GMT
4842 times
Its one of the most trivial things, but its always bothered me. Why have that
texture on the slope end? What purpose does it serve? From the small selection
of un-textured slopes we have, one can only infer that these would be less
trouble to make... amongst a lot of other advantages. So why? I'm hoping our
freindly neighbourhood LEGO historian Gary Istok can answer.....


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Why are slope bricks textured?
(...) OK, I would love to give some special reason, but I know of none. Ever since the sloped bricks first came out in red (1958) and blue (1960), they have had the textured finish. The simplest explanation I can think of is because most roofs are (...) (19 years ago, 14-Mar-05, to lugnet.general,

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