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Re: FA: eBay - Minifigs, mostly Castle (follow up on weirdness)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Tue, 2 Dec 2003 15:24:12 GMT
141 times
In, Alan Findlay wrote:
Available on 5-day auctions:

snip link

A wide assortment of Castle (&HP) minifigs etc that are extra to my needs.
Perhaps you can find a good home for them.


Okay, I'm replying to my own post, but something weird happened and I'm hoping
someone here can help me understand.

About an hour after posting my auction announcement (see above) the following
email appeared in my inbox:
Subject:   RE: FA: eBay - Minifigs, mostly Castle (confirm please) here,

I am controlling the email that is sent to my inbox. By asking for you to
confirm that you really sent email to me I can ensure that I receive no spam and
that your email address really exists.

This is a one time confirmation, please click the link below and your email will
be delivered straight away, now and in the future.

Click to confirm (edited by me to disable):

You are receiving this message in response to your email to, a VetoMail customer.

VetoMail asks that senders verify their address before email is delivered.

When you have clicked the link above a webpage will be displayed, if the page
displays correctly your address has been verified. You will only need to do this
once per VetoMail protected email address.


So, is this some kind of virus spam by someone trolling through Lugnet, or...
what? I'm quite confused.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: FA: eBay - Minifigs, mostly Castle (follow up on weirdness)
(...) or... (...) It is spam for sure, I wouldn't reply if I were you, that way the sender can check if your mailadress is in use or not. If it's because of Lugnet.... I don't know. Saskia (20 years ago, 2-Dec-03, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: FA: eBay - Minifigs, mostly Castle (follow up on weirdness)
In, Alan Findlay wrote: ... (...) ... There's several services now in effect that block e-mail that is computer generated (aka spam) as opposed to human generated. The way these services work is they reply to all incoming (...) (20 years ago, 2-Dec-03, to, lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  FA: eBay - Minifigs, mostly Castle
Available on 5-day auctions: (URL) wide assortment of Castle (&HP) minifigs etc that are extra to my needs. Perhaps you can find a good home for them. Alan (20 years ago, 2-Dec-03, to

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