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 General / 40707
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3033 on the shelf again?
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:06:52 GMT
3107 times
Hi Everyone,

I am new to Lugnet.
I have heard so much about the 3033s, and about AFOL complaining about it
being discontinued.

I have seen the blue tubs all over Asia (now in stock, and a lot of them).
Is this tub only available in Asia?

I bought a tub and counted the pieces, there are only about 90 1x2 bricks
(total of all colors), and much more 1x4 bricks (about 440 of them in 6 main
colors).  This seems to differ from those listed by Eric H. or Peeron.
Anyone can comment on the new 3033s.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 3033 on the shelf again?
(...) So you're saying there's a blue tub widely available in Asia, and it carries the set number 3033 but it has a different inventory? That's really weird. Lego has released a number of new and different basic brick assortments lately here in the (...) (21 years ago, 21-Jan-03, to lugnet.general,

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