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Re: Introducing LEGO Direct
lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 22:37:41 GMT
6871 times
In lugnet.general, Brad Justus writes:

We cannot tell you how excited we are to be working with you all. We hope you
are equally encouraged by the renewed commitment we are making to you. We look
forward to a very rewarding collaboration.


Welcome!  I'm sincerely glad that both you, and The Lego Corporation, have
joined our dialogue.  I hope that you feel welcomed...and know that for all our
(my) complaints and occasional spells of angry zeal, we are all united by a
fierce love of the bricks.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Introducing LEGO Direct
(...) P.S. What do I love? Legos. My life would never have been the same without them. I love everything Lego that is not juniorized. What do I hate? Juniorization. You may have designed it for kids, but this adult has, and will continue to have, a (...) (24 years ago, 10-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego)

Message is in Reply To:
  Introducing LEGO Direct
To LEGO enthusiasts everywhere: We hope that we are the bearer of some holiday cheer for you all. For those of you who have felt that your love for LEGO was unrequited, this is a new day. With this missive, the LEGO Company asks to open a dialogue (...) (24 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.dear-lego) !! 

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