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IDLE 2006 - Please join me in celebrating on 3/18
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego,,,
Thu, 2 Mar 2006 06:42:44 GMT
22704 times
Dear Fellow LEGO-Lovin' Folk,

     Again this year, I'll be celebrating a holiday I made up just to celebrate
a holiday.

     Just to explain, when I started at my current job, I found that we
employees had available to us something called a "floating holiday" - an
unscheduled day off with pay to use at our discretion.  Delighted, I decided
that what this world needs is an official day to celebrate the joy that is
building and playing with LEGO elements, and that I should be paid for it each
year.  So I invented IDOL, the International Day Of LEGO - because it would be
wrong to keep something this joyful all to myself, and much more fun if the
whole world celebrated with me.

     I dutifully took as my floating holiday the day after St. Patrick's Day,
March 18th, for the next two years.  Being of Irish descent, St. Pat's Day has
always been fun and special.  For many people (not me, but many others), a day
of recovery might be in order, and what better way to recover than playing with
the Brick?  Plus, my newly-invented holiday would be easy to remember,
piggy-backed as it is on an already-(in?)famous day here in the States.  Also,
there aren't enough "day-off" holidays between now and summer.  Works for me!!

     But IDOL sounds like we're worshiping ABS or TLG, and didn't quite work.
So last year I thought about it, and changed it to IDLE, for International Day
for LEGO Enthusiasts.  Same global flair, same love of the world's best plastic
construction toys, more interesting implication that people should relax instead
of worship plastic...IDLE time it is!!

     This year, March 18 falls on a Saturday, which won't work for my floating
holiday.  So I may have to "observe" IDLE time on the Monday following.  But I'm
still going to celebrate IDLE on it's proper day by building something (don't
know what yet) and playing with LEGO.

     And this is where you, the K/T/A-FOL/LE, comes in.  Please join me!
Dedicate a day this year, and each year, to celebrating all the fun and good
that comes from our little obsession.  Tell the world about a holiday it never
knew existed, and share your interest in LEGO with someone who could stand a
little fun in their life.  Give yourself some IDLE time - Go on, you deserve

     This year, I'm going to give smallish LEGO sets as gifts to my coworkers to
enhance the fun atmosphere.  Next year, I might even design themed sets with
instructions to give away.  And I'm going to grin when they ask "Are you
kidding?  Is this a real holiday?"  Wouldn't it be cool if some of them decided
to celebrate with their children in upcoming years?

     Are you a LEGO Enthusiast?  Well, now you have a day.  Please join me in
celebrating IDLE time, March 18.  What will YOU build?

Peace, Long Life, and Holidays-that-should-be,
Tony Alexander

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: IDLE 2006 - Please join me in celebrating on 3/18
(...) Tony, This sounds like a good idea. I think for IDLE, I'll stay home from work, and spend the day building. However, unlike you, I will observe the holiday on it's actual day. :) Have a nice IDLE day. Steve (19 years ago, 2-Mar-06, to

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