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A bunch of questions concerning Medieval Brikwars
Sun, 16 Apr 2000 21:44:30 GMT
571 times
Hello All

I'm planning a game of Brikwars with a friend. The armies will be Fright
Knight + Bull's vs Ninja. I have some questions about it:

I have a bunch of Knights with Big Shield, Helmet and Big Sword. That's a
total AV of 11 (5 for the soldier, 4 for the shield and 1 for the helmet,
and that could be 2). It seems impossible to damage them, even with Katana's
(Damage 1d6+3), let alone things like ShortSwords, Bows, and Pirate Pistols
and Guns. What would be the best solution? I'm thinking about lowering the
Soldier's AV to 3, and probably  Shield to 1 (small) and 2 (big).

I think I'm going to use the Spacewoman stats for the Ninja's (about a third
of my Ninja army are actually Ninja's and having that much of SpaceNinja's
is a bit too much). And then 1 or 2 decorated Ninja's with the SpaceNinja stats.

I build a battering ram. Inside fit 5 minifigs, and the weight is about 19
Briks. So if I use Slave's they can push it along at a -1" movement penalty,
what seems about right. The problem is how much damage it does. The best
solution I came up with so far is using collision damage from the beam
inside vs. the wall/building/whatever. The beam weights 3 Briks. The problem
is the speed of the beam. Would be 5" for every Slave inside be about right?
That would be 25" with a full crew, so it does 5*15 = 75 damage. Although I
would rather have something like 1d20*7 or so.

What would be the stats of a whip? It's advantage is clear: The Soldier with
the whip could hit an opponent in melee (CC) without getting counterattacked.

What would be the stats and abilities of the Witch? And Skeletons?

Any response would be greatly appreciated.
Greetings, Rengenier

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A bunch of questions concerning Medieval Brikwars
(...) Hi! Sorry I missed this post last week! I hope I'm not too late. (...) The Big Shield only protects the Knight on one side (a 180 degree arc in whichever direction the shield is facing) - if he is attacked from behind, his AV drops to a much (...) (25 years ago, 24-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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