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Re: Brick Testament image used on!
Tue, 11 Mar 2008 01:12:40 GMT
12353 times
Part of me is tempted to refrain from bringing this matter to LEGO’s attention, since it mostly strikes me as a humorous and harmless mistake, and there’s a certain honor in having a Brick Testament image used in a positive way on the official LEGO website.

I could even use the gaff to playfully mock LEGO’s sometimes overactive legal deptartment by sending them an official cease-and-desist letter. But in the end it seems most prudent to respectfully inform LEGO of the mistake and stick up for my own copyright on the image.

It’s not always easy to figure out how to contact people (or the right people) at LEGO, though, so I have both sent in a letter through their website’s Customer Service form and also posted here on the chance that someone at LEGO might read it and pass it on to the appropriate department.

Of course, if this matter actually gets investigated (which I’m almost certain it won’t), I’d love to hear how this happened! :)

-Brendan Powell Smith

A long time ago, in a different far far away galaxy, I had a run in with the Lego legal department. I was buying an old store model on ebay and got an e-mail from one of their lawyers. She said Lego wanted the model back that I was high bidder on. I sort of chuckled and then answered her saying No Way. I sent my phone number and she called me and said that Lego owned the property and it was illegally sold and if I was such a fan of Lego I would want to return it. I answered by saying that I am a big fan and wanted to save it as Lego destroyes its old displays. She mumbled something and hung up. I called Lego’s customer service and was passed around a bit and finally talked to someone rather high up in the pecking order. This person was very accomadating and after I told my story he told me not to worry; they did not want it back and would talk to the legal department and the woman I talked to in particular. Never heard another word, except I did receive a letter of apology from lego. That is my story of my run in with the Lego legal department. John P

Do you have any video of the Brick Testament. I am looking for videos for the museum.

Maybe something with a little less foreskin??


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  Re: Brick Testament image used on!
(...) A long time ago, in a different far far away galaxy, I had a run in with the Lego legal department. I was buying an old store model on ebay and got an e-mail from one of their lawyers. She said Lego wanted the model back that I was high bidder (...) (16 years ago, 30-Jan-08, to, FTX)

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