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Re: Brick Testament image used on!
Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:10:16 GMT
12189 times
In, John Patterson wrote:
   A long time ago, in a different far far away galaxy, I had a run in with the Lego legal department. I was buying an old store model on ebay and got an e-mail from one of their lawyers. She said Lego wanted the model back that I was high bidder on. I sort of chuckled and then answered her saying No Way. I sent my phone number and she called me and said that Lego owned the property and it was illegally sold and if I was such a fan of Lego I would want to return it. I answered by saying that I am a big fan and wanted to save it as Lego destroyes its old displays. She mumbled something and hung up. I called Lego’s customer service and was passed around a bit and finally talked to someone rather high up in the pecking order. This person was very accomadating and after I told my story he told me not to worry; they did not want it back and would talk to the legal department and the woman I talked to in particular. Never heard another word, except I did receive a letter of apology from lego. That is my story of my run in with the Lego legal department. John P

That’s...really odd. I know I’m not alone in this, but they actually sent me a display item several years ago (the 6’ tall cardboard Tahu standee). I’ve also had a local LEGO rep offer to hook me up with one of the gigantic “lifesize” Pakari masks (unfortunately, I ended up moving before I ever saw her again, and the odd thing is that it turned out I only lived a few blocks from her, so I could have just gone and collected it in person except she never volunteered her name or address). I’m sorta hoping to run into one of the LEGO reps that’s local to my new area so I can see if it’d be possible to get one of those 2’ tall posterboard replicas of the Batman minifig that they’ve got up in all the TRU stores.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brick Testament image used on!
(...) I would love to see a copy of that letter. I am having my problems with them as well. Do you still have a copy I could get?? Dan (16 years ago, 11-Mar-08, to, FTX)

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  Re: Brick Testament image used on!
(...) A long time ago, in a different far far away galaxy, I had a run in with the Lego legal department. I was buying an old store model on ebay and got an e-mail from one of their lawyers. She said Lego wanted the model back that I was high bidder (...) (16 years ago, 30-Jan-08, to, FTX)

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