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BrickFest 2004 Announces Dirty Brickster Event
Tue, 15 Jun 2004 12:49:45 GMT
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BrickFest 2004 Announces Dirty Brickster Event

Dirty Brickster is a fun and exciting event where each participant contributes
an unopened LEGO Related Item worth approximately $10.00 in value. Each
contribution is wrapped in gift-wrap or some substitute to hide the set among
all the other contributions. Each participant receives a number for each
contribution and the selection process starts with the person who has the number

When your number is called you have two choices to make; (1) you can select a
wrapped object from the pile and open it for all to see or (2) you can elect to
"steal" one of the already opened packages. This last choice gives the  ame its
name. If you have taken your turn and someone steals your choice from you, you
repeat your turn selecting from the pile or an opened package. Each  EGO Related
Item can be stolen 3 times before it is no longer available to be stolen again.

This leads to some strategy and contributes to the overall fun for the group. Of
course, the person that draws the number "1" will also be the last to go and can
chose either the last package in the pile or steal a package from one of the
available opened packages. This might lead to a final round of stealing and
trading of packages ending only when everyone is satisfied or all packages have
been stolen three times.

So, if you would like to participate, bring along a LEGO Related Item worth
about $10.00 in value and watch the schedule for date and time. We hope to hold
this event on the second floor either in the meeting room or the lobby near the
train display, but the location is tentative at this time. Non- participants are
encouraged to watch, but as always, no wagering.

Special Events Coordinator,


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: BrickFest 2004 Announces Dirty Brickster Event
(...) I have never participated in Dirty Brickster, but I sounds like a ton of fun. I just hope I don't get stuck with a Click-It's set! ;) And I sure hope lots of people remember to bring something so they can play this game. If you miss it you (...) (20 years ago, 15-Jul-04, to
  Re: BrickFest 2004 Announces Dirty Brickster Event
(...) So, now I am starting to prepare for Brickfest, and I am rereading some threads (in case anyone wonders why I am posting this a month later). So, I plan to bring a set for this (gotta remember, gotta remember, or I can just buy one while I am (...) (20 years ago, 21-Jul-04, to
  Re: BrickFest 2004 Announces Dirty Brickster Event
Todd- I observed the game at BF/PDX but did not participate. Since I plan to this time, I would like to make sure I understand how it works. You wrote: Of course, the person that draws the number "1" will also be the last to go and can chose either (...) (20 years ago, 21-Jul-04, to, FTX)

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