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Re: Look what you can build in twenty minutes!
Mon, 18 Jul 2005 21:24:15 GMT
6060 times
In, Scott Lyttle wrote:

This is Cool, and a great story!  Any thoughts about contributing an article
about this to BrickJournal?

Scott Lyttle

For you, Scott, anything.  I've been thinking about publishing something in the
mathematical literature, but I'd love to write a more accessible article for a
general (brick-obsessed) audience.

It surprises me how little I have read about Lego bricks in the classroom.
Physics and engineering seem to have clued in, but why anyone would use
Cuisenaire rods when you can use Lego bricks instead is quite beyond me.

For now, I'm off to church camp to run a Lego Storytelling workshop.  We may
post our results on Brickshelf--stay tuned.

And stay tuned also for further chapters of Lego Bricks in the Mathematics
Classroom.  Y'all are gonna flip when you see what my topology students built.

Until then,


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Look what you can build in twenty minutes!
(...) (snip) (...) Teddy, This is Cool, and a great story! Any thoughts about contributing an article about this to BrickJournal? Scott Lyttle (19 years ago, 15-Jul-05, to, FTX)

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