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 Dear LEGO / 5208
5207  |  5209
Dillution of trade name
Thu, 27 Jan 2005 14:40:46 GMT
4006 times
Dear LEGO,

While shopping yesterday in a relatively new US WalMart store, I noted that the
various sections of the toy department have little banner signs hanging out from
the top of the stock shelves. These seemed to be placed in such a way so that
you can see them when peering down an aisle from the main aisle. The one over
the LEGO brand toy section was titled "Legos" (with that capitilization and
punctuation). I'm not sure if this was done like this with permission of TLG. At
first glance, it would seem to be an incorrect usage and potentially a trademark
dillution. The sign in question was one of the newer dark gray signages that
WalMark is transitioning to. If you want the location of the store, please
contact me privately.

thanks, Ray Sanders

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Dillution of trade name
(...) I have also noticed this in some of the Atlanta-area Wal-Mart stores. Scott Lyttle (19 years ago, 27-Jan-05, to lugnet.dear-lego)

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