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 Castle / 4765
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Re: 4 new pics of Suz's stuff in NELUG display at TCS.
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.castle
Tue, 30 May 2000 10:10:41 GMT
740 times
In, Bill Farkas writes:
Is that a "Trojan Bunny" in jpegs five and six?!

That is a Trojan Rabbit.  The ears are pose-able, thanks to a pair of Technic
pins at their bases.  I purposely made the door on the front of the rabbit
extremely obvious.  (Easier and funnier that way.)

After hours of serious castle-building, I needed a quick project to knock off
for a little bit of comic relief.  (Did you ever start building something
before you'd even decided what you were going to build?)  But when I brought it
in to show to some people at work, I was told that it was not faithful to the
Python original, because I _remembered_ to put soldiers inside!  For the
record, in the TCS window display, the rabbit is empty.

"Perhaps if we construct a large, wooden badger..."

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 4 new pics of Suz's stuff in NELUG display at TCS.
Sounds like something Hugh Heffner would make :-) (...) (23 years ago, 9-Nov-00, to,, lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 4 new pics of Suz's stuff in NELUG display at TCS.
(...) in (...) Is that a "Trojan Bunny" in jpegs five and six?! Bill (24 years ago, 27-May-00, to,, lugnet.castle)

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