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Re: Customs (was Re: Finally, I have a page!)
Mon, 24 Jan 2000 12:29:56 GMT
1286 times
In lugnet.castle, Richard Marchetti writes:

and writes, and writes... ;-) at the risk of this post becoming an annex of
my tips & techniques page, so do i...

I'd like to congratulate you on your great designs, Shiri.

  me too. when do we get to see your signature 'fig, that maiden of mayhem,

And as far as your storyline goes, I'm all into it.  I am very keen to see you
further develop your apparent matriarchy, but I have to admit that I am not
sure why I was supposed to know that the Queen was the dominant ruling
figure.  Tell us more, tell us more...

  oh yeah, queen cleo rules. one look at that pic, and there's no doubt
who's in charge! lol!

In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
Craig told me how he changed his and I couldn't resist the temptation...

Craigo, brilliant as he is, got this particular idea concerning Jet's head
from me.  And I think I have enough interest in lego customs to assert my
place in it (although I think children the world over have their own methods
of modifying lego and have already beat us all to it). See my "Sexy Witches"
and "Just the Heads" at:

  yes, this is where i saw it first. i had done timmie heads to make 'em
look like they weren't on drugs, but never done a jet. more majorly, this is
where i first saw a brilliantly concieved, and successfully carved modified
element. i had to have these wing (oh, and so much more) holders, and i
really dont need or want a huge supply of thin walls. even i totally screw
up, an the piece is ruined, no tear shed.

For more than a year now I have been doing minor modifying with a fine tipped
x-acto and even some minor drawing in with black and red Sharpies (the ultra
fine points).

  i have to let anything done in ink dry under a 60 watt bulb for a week
before i touch it again.  heed my words.  too many smears later, i take no
chances. the ink may appear to be dry on top, but underneath hasn't
completely dried, thus adhered to the resilent ABS plastic.  i use sharpies
for color, but for the finest black lines, i use a micron pigma .005 pen.

The first head in the "Just the Heads" pic on my site was drawn
with a sharpie with an obvious nod to the design of the dark forest boy head
(this head appears again in the pic "Scarecrow and Colonist"), and the last
head is a heavily modified Willa head.  If you take a close look at Jet's
modified head, I did more than merely remove the mike -- I drew in the rest of
the lips at the corner. This is a necessary detail in my view, and I highly
recommend this addition to your own custom Jet head.

  oops! i opted for new blue lips altogether!

I was also carving bricks from the first (see my wings attachment at the page
noted above).  And while initially shocked and repelled at the idea of carving
an element, Craigo has taken it to a new level with his skull cap and
hunchback figures. As a professional artist, He has also refined other aspects
of the craft by introducing the right tools to the subject: Marvy Uchida paint
pens, and Design Master spray paints.

  i am certainly not the first customizer by any means, but i was doing it
for a few years before i got on the 'net. i saw a few, but not many, custom
'figs out there, and thought it may be taboo or something. i did detect a
certain distaste for the practice among e-mails and posts. that made me want
to show off my shocking handiwork even more.  well, instead the lego
community shocked me with their general praise and even clsotw #155. now, i
want everyone to see the way i build, and that customizing, as fun and
dificult as it is, is just to augment and provide detail to a model.

I might personally add that the tool kit
is incomplete without a Dremel power tool -- but this might be a matter of

  yes, it truly depends on what the individual is comfortable with.  i
prefer not to use mechanical tools of any sort as i'm not apt with them. my
skills lie in pens, brushes and blades.  a talented jeweler friend of mine
has been helping me with some amazing dremel modifications. he is capable of
things i'd only dreamt possible.

Giving credit where credit is due, and if memory serves: I guess its time to
clear up who created the lego pumpkin head! If you look at Craig's site:

You will note that there is an award for the Willa the Witch pic.  This emblem
contains a CAD lego pumpkin head that Craigo and I were both keen to make a
part of our lego worlds. My assumption is that it was designed by Matthew
Verdier, but I am not positive. So Craigo and I were talking about how to make
this pumpkin head and I think my came first as an inked and modified skull,
while Craigo did a better job with acrylics (I think?).  Craigo used this very
pumpkin head in the picture with which he won the award mentioned above.

  right. we had both seen mathew's design and both wanted to customize an
actual one. i said "i'll beat you to it, pumpkinhed", and then you turned
around and beat me to it!  please, put the headless horseman on your page!
it's interesting that like any other lego creation, that all three are
subtly different.

Anyway, whoever did the CAD pumpkin deserves the credit for designing the
pumkin head -- its simple and therefore brilliant!

  hear! hear! mathew v., take a bow!

Without this crucial piece
I wouldn't have either my Mr. Pumpkin or my Headless Horseman minis...both all
too easy once you have the pumpkin element!

  tlc included 2 orange 1x2 w/triangle pumpkin mouth, and 1 orange 1x4
w/toothy pumpkin grin (black print) in the '98 halloween bucket, which may
even be where mathew got the plan. how could tlc miss the oportunity of this
orange pumpkin head piece, tho'? a green spicot/flashlight piece would make
an excellent stem. i shouldn't have to paint one, but i don't think they,
like green heads and hands exist. tlc! we want every piece in every color!

I think customizers generally agree that the best modifications are those
where the least modifying has occurred -- that is those that rely more on the
right combination of interchangeable elements than on reaching for blades or
paints to achieve the desired effect.  That said, there is nothing at all
wrong in altering an element you can't stand or that just desperately needs it.

Lastly, customizers unite!  We have to get Todd to give us a subcategory.

-- Richard

  amen, brother!

  later ~ craig~

Message has 1 Reply:
  Update of my page (was:Re: Customs (was Re: Finally, I have a page!))
(...) Here it is, same URL, I updated the page: (URL) (...) Well, Richard wasn't so sure... I might add some details later. About the storyline, there will be much of it involved with my buildings. The stories I make up inspire me to make the (...) (25 years ago, 25-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Customs (was Re: Finally, I have a page!)
I'd like to congratulate you on your great designs, Shiri. I had just been itching to get a 2000 black castle maiden hat for one of my witch's. And I did exactly what you did with it -- I put it on a witch's torso and skirt, although I guess you (...) (25 years ago, 24-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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