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October 31st - Picture of the Day Vol. 2
Fri, 31 Oct 2003 16:18:55 GMT
1375 times

Today is not only Halloween but also Reformation Day. Being neither catholic nor Irish I’ve the reformation in mind rather than this custom that has not even been known here (Germany) before the ad industry adopted and established it.

So. After we got to see last year the Dr Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the door of the Schlosskirche in Wittenberg this year we tell another anecdote from his life:

When Martin Luther was summoned to the Reichstag in Worms for he should revoke his theses, he was banned because he refused to revoke. His souvereign, the Kurfürst of Saxony, liked his doctrines. So he gave him shelter on the Wartburg where he lived under the alias “Donzel George”. And there he had no ressources against boredom except translating the Bible into German. (That hadn’t been done ever before, and Luther’s use of the German language set the first standard of a high level languae throughout Germany.)

While sitting and translating one gloomy night he got a visitation from/by the Devil himself! But Luther won’t be Luther if he had been too afraid. He grasped the inkpot and threw it against the Fiend. That worked, the Beelzebub disappeared.

To cut a long story short, this is what happened:

Click me, I’m a link!

Now, most likely this story didn’t happen exactly the way the legend has it. However, it’s enough to get money from the tourists who visit the Wartburg and search for the spot of ink on the wall....

This is what Luther’s parlour looks like:
Click me, I’m a link! Click me, I’m a link!

Hopefully I didn’t indoctrinate anybody with my religious-confessionel tattle. In case of doubt the story also fits as a spooky Halloween tale...


Message has 5 Replies:
  RE: October 31st - Picture of the Day Vol. 2
(...) Nice "kachel-ofen" ! Ralph (20 years ago, 31-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle,
  Re: October 31st - Picture of the Day Vol. 2
Hi Jojo, This is an excellent scene. I like the figures and furniture. The random fieldstone floor pattern is a very good detail. Ben (20 years ago, 31-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle,, FTX)
  Re: October 31st - Picture of the Day Vol. 2
(...) Thanks for the explanation Jojo. I saw this picture earlier but I didn't have the context, so I was scratching my head in puzzlement. I can now better appreciate all the detail that you put into this creation. In particular, that big green (...) (20 years ago, 31-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle,, FTX)
  Re: October 31st - Picture of the Day Vol. 2
Hey Jojo, Happy Halloween/Reformation Day. Great MOC. I especially like the way you put the inkstain into the floor and into the wall (SNOTty, even). The cabinet on the wall and the chair are also very cool. The green thing is still a puzzle to me, (...) (20 years ago, 31-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle,, FTX)
  Re: October 31st - Picture of the Day Vol. 2
Hi Jojo, I love the story and even more the great detailed picture. The brown chair is great, the idea of the guns there... so many brown parts, I never knew there was that window in brown. As some said before me the ink stain is a great touch to it (...) (20 years ago, 31-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle,, FTX)

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