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 Castle / 14193
14192  |  14194
Re: Tudor Gatehouse
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 17:48:49 GMT
702 times
Hi Ben,
The gatehouse especially is very nice. Is there any chance you could output
a larger version of it so we can see the details better.
That'd be great
Thanks for sharing

James Stacey
#925 - I'm a citizen of Legoland travelling Incommunicado

"Ben Ellermann" <> wrote in message
This weekend I created a new castle set - the "Tudor Gatehouse".  It is
based loosely on the gatehouse at Stokesay castle.  It can be seen here:

It features a bridge, large gate doors, four beds, two tables, and a • massive
fireplace.  I plan to eventually make high quality printed instructions • and
sell them and possibly make custom sets.

I have also designed a castle "Gate Tower" which can be seen here:

I hope you like them.

Ben Ellermann

Message is in Reply To:
  MOC: Tudor Gatehouse
This weekend I created a new castle set - the "Tudor Gatehouse". It is based loosely on the gatehouse at Stokesay castle. It can be seen here: (URL) features a bridge, large gate doors, four beds, two tables, and a massive fireplace. I plan to (...) (22 years ago, 2-Sep-02, to lugnet.castle)

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