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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 616
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Re: Mac Brick CAD and the Imerial Star Destroyer
Mon, 17 May 2004 23:52:33 GMT
2128 times
In, Andrew Allan wrote:
Right now, I genuinly wonder if I'm getting hardware acceleration in OpenGL.

Maybe you're running into one of those weird oddities of the Apple opengl
drivers.  For example rendering to the GL_FRONT buffer really renders to
a hidden back buffer.  There are times where this setup causes you to use
triple buffering, which eats up lots of video memory.  Once you're out
of video memory your display lists have to get swapped in from system RAM.

You find out this stuff by monitoring the Apple opengl mailing list...


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mac Brick CAD and the Imerial Star Destroyer
(...) Travis, Generally I have to agree with you: According to the Apple literature non-OpenGL aware graphics cars (such as the Rage128) gain significant benefit from vertex arrays but with OpenGL aware graphic cards (such as the 9000Pro ) this (...) (20 years ago, 17-May-04, to

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