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Re: Math Problem Again
Fri, 14 Nov 2003 11:43:18 GMT
1943 times
In, Paul Easter wrote:
In, Ronan Webb wrote:
In, Tore Eriksson wrote:
You are given three 3d cooridates.

(snip) <
If possible, I would like an Excel spreadsheet, but just the formula will do.


(snip) <
Having worked these out (i.e. this has given you the A,B,C,D in
A.x + B.y + C.z + D = 0) just plug in your fourth point's x and y co-ords
(say x4 and y4) into this equation i.e. let x=x4 and let y=y4
This gives you the equation for z4 that you are looking for viz.
A.x4 + B.y4 +C.z4 +D =0 (where now the only thing you don't know is z4)
rearranging this is just
z4=(-D -A.x4 - B.x4)/C

Then again, it's late :)

Hey!  cool!   where was this info when I wrote my calculator program?  It would have made it alot easier. The calculator grew into a slightly different purpose though. it was for helping determine where to trim lines and quads at intersection points.

The last formula had a typo, here it is corrected.
z4=(-D -A.x4 - B.y4)/C

Yes, I saw that, too.

Tore, I will email you the spreadsheet I put this information into.


Thanks for the offer, but I have already made a working spreadsheet. :)
Now, all I have to do is try to automate it with some VBS.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Math Problem Again
(...) Hey! cool! where was this info when I wrote my calculator program? It would have made it alot easier. The calculator grew into a slightly different purpose though. it was for helping determine where to trim lines and quads at intersection (...) (20 years ago, 14-Nov-03, to

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