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 CAD / Development / 11027
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Re: calc_z4.c (Was: Math Problem Again)
Mon, 26 Oct 2009 00:54:13 GMT
17545 times
In, Travis Cobbs wrote:
In, Tore Eriksson wrote:
That shouldn't really be happening, unless someone enters a "triangle" that
isn't a triangle, for example with x1, x2, and x3 all = 0, or a line that isn't
referring to a polygon for some reason yet is processed as one.

Actually, if the original triangle is (for example) in the Y-Z plane, then just
passing in an x4 that's different from x1, x2, and x3 will result in a failure.
The equivalent goes for an initial triangle in the X-Z plane.


True, but such triangles will not be visible in the 2-D front view of the UI and
therefor not clickable - unless the program is buggy. And if you can't click on
them, the function never has to encounter data from them. Hopefully...


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: calc_z4.c (Was: Math Problem Again)
(...) Actually, if the original triangle is (for example) in the Y-Z plane, then just passing in an x4 that's different from x1, x2, and x3 will result in a failure. The equivalent goes for an initial triangle in the X-Z plane. --Travis (15 years ago, 25-Oct-09, to

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